
Kiriko Sato

"It is not essential, but necessary."

KIRIKO SATO is a hat brand based in Paris, launched in 2014 by its eponymous creator and founder, Kiriko Sato. Its mission: to create a hybrid aesthetic that fuses diverse influences such as urban street style, Japanese minimalism, and the timeless classics of French millinery, all reinvented with a touch of whimsy. She plays with volume. Hats, turbans, headbands, and headpieces come in different colors, materials, and shapes depending on the inspiration of the moment. They are available as unique pieces as well as permanent and timeless models.

The Designer's Journey

The designer Kiriko Sato, originally from the Nagoya region in Japan, studied at Mode Gakuen before working as a stylist for Japanese brands specializing in women's and girls' clothing.

She moved to Paris in 2008 and collaborated with designers and artists at events such as Paris Design Week and the Christmas windows of Galeries Lafayette.
For two years, she assisted Olympia Le-Tan (a leather goods and fashion designer) with her first collections.

She then decided to create her own brand of hats and head accessories, KIRIKO SATO, launched in 2014.

Why millinery?

After several years as a clothing and leather goods designer, she became interested in the world of millinery.

Working in volume, drawing in the air: that's what fascinates her.
She began by creating her first hats and head accessories with the support of a renowned hatmaker, Jean-Pierre Triz.

Over time, she met many craftsmen from different stages of the hat-making process, such as the workers at MontCapel, the last felt factory in France.
She also works with the straw-braiding craftsmen of Septfonds, who are facing difficulties in their trade.

This is one of the reasons why she continues to fight alongside them, while defending the idea that hats have a place in art.

"Hatcracy" philosophy

Passionated about fashion and art, Kiriko Sato is enriched by her artistic collaborations with photographers, regularly producing artistic shots that showcase her creations.
According to her, clothes should not only fulfill their main function, particularly hats.
She wants her creations to make women and men feel beautiful, free and confident, while at the same time stimulating their motivation.

A visually comfortable setting is nice,
but a certain degree of visual discomfort
can be even better.